
hawaiian craft rum

  • brand identity

  • package design

  • branding materials

  • website design


Nestled in the scenic Waipio Valley lies a beautiful distillery where premium quality craft rum is created. This uniquely Hawaiian rum is happily crafted by none other than Hau’oli. Once a prospering sugar cane farm, Hau’oli strives to bring the colorful nature of Hawaii into its spirits, all while leaving hardly a trace on the environment. They do this by using only organic, locally sourced, and ethically produced ingredients unique to Hawai’i.

Today, Hau’oli maintains its goal of producing high quality rum Hawaiian rum for those on island time.

primary logo + icon

black & white

black & white

main colors

main colors

illustrations + colors

Island Label

Island Label

Alani Spiced

Alani Spiced

Sunrise Papaya

Sunrise Papaya

Honey Hibiscus

Honey Hibiscus

package design

bottle box.jpg

branding materials

canvas bag front.jpg

website design


Children's Health